Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Wonderland

We had our first snow of the winter last week -- Carter sure got a kick out of it...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some Funny Observations

The little man is turning into quite the piece of work of late... among his current mannerisms include:

1. Thinking about a question you ask him, and then, in the nicest way possible, informing you "No" with a polite shake of the head;

2. Repeating EVERY word you say to him -- some spot-on (apple, boat, train, pizza), others not just yet

3. Upon letting him know that we were going to meet his friend "Andrew" at Chick-Fil-A for lunch, basically saying "Andrew" non-stop for 45 minutes until he got there

4. No longer getting out of his bed in the morning until you come great him

5. Treating the bathtub as his own personal swimming pool -- including some floating on his back tonite

6. A classic Daddy & Carter breakfast this morning -- Perrier, waffles, Wall Street Journal, and a winter-hat

Cooking with Carter

Our little guy is quite the foodie -- who knew that he'd be so interested in the front-end?

Monday, January 05, 2009

Carter Goes for a Train Ride

The quality isn't great, but he had a blast!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Be Sweet in 2009!

Carter's giving Daddy's business some love...

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Christmas 2008

Carter had an absolute blast -- if he doesn't totally get the idea of Santa Claus, he definitely gets the idea of tearing the paper off of gifts and saying "Ooooh" when the paper is off (regardless of what the gift is.) We spent Christmas Eve and some of Christmas Day with the Zagols, and then had the Lange's down on the 27th to Phoenixville -- Carter was his normal energetic self!

Some key highlight gifts included:
*Dump truck
*Gas pump
*Leapfrog Laptop Computer
*Kettler Tricycle
*His own Dyson Vacuum Cleaner
*Lots of ELMO Stuff