Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Few Funny Moments

*Good news -- Carter's not allergic to bee-stings --> after he stepped on a bumble-bee at the pool over the weekend, we had the expected freak-out, but, everything ended up fine.

*As is pretty typical with a 2 1/2 year old, there are a few words that he says that are off by just a little bit. For example, bathing suit becomes "baby suit". So, a few times, I've said "Carter -- watch my lips" and then have tried to pronounce the words. All fine and good, until he decided to start correcting me.

"Daddy... watch my lips. BAAAAABEEEEEEE SUIT."


Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Funny Carter Mannerisms

During bath-time, "No Daddy, I'll clean myself."

Insisting (while laughing) that the color red is actually the color pink.

Insisting that "George" (from Curious George) is a color.

Associating food with everything:
Did we go to the baseball game? Yes, popcorn, pretzels, Ice Cream

"Put it, don't throw it." -- which we said to him once is now his guidance to us anytime we throw something he doesn't want us to throw.

Repeating EVERYTHING he hears -- including his mother calling his father a 'fuddy-duddy'.

Demanding that we "share Carter" when we have something that we aren't giving to him.