Monday, December 20, 2010

Parade and Limbo Time...

Santa Surprises Campbell at Her Party

Campbell's First Birthday Party -- Video

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Christmas w/ the Philly Phanatic

Despite my blood bleeding Yankee pinstripes, I have developed quite an appreciation for the Phanatic living in Philly for around 7 years or so... C1, C2 and I went down to South Philly today (Mom was working) to meet Phanta Claus... Campbell was less than interested, but Carter loved it!

From Sunday Night Upload

From Sunday Night Upload

Campbell's First Thanksgiving

Is someone talking about me?
From Sunday Night Upload

Here comes Rockne ...
From Sunday Night Upload

Stop it Dad!  
From Sunday Night Upload

He's not that bad of a guy... I guess!
From Sunday Night Upload

Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade

For the 2nd year in a row, we made our way down to Center City Philadelphia for the Thanksgiving Day Parade.    Carter bumped into his friend Danielle ...

From Sunday Night Upload

Carter gave his letter to the postal worker to deliver to Santa ...

From Sunday Night Upload

And we had a great time (minus Cam of course -- thanks Grandma Z!)

From Sunday Night Upload

Campbell's Eleven Months Old (Sorry for being two weeks late!)

From Sunday Night Upload

Belated -- Pumpkin & Apple Picking

Better late than never, right?

We took our annual pilgrimage to Frecon Farms for apples and Milky Way Farm for pumpkins -- and had a great time as always.

Campbell enjoyed munching on some apples ...

From Pumpkins and Apples 2010

Carter was in charge of baskets ...

From Pumpkins and Apples 2010

C1 and C2 got along (as always) ...

From Pumpkins and Apples 2010

We actually got a family photo ...

From Pumpkins and Apples 2010

And Carter was chill-axin by the end of the day ...

From Pumpkins and Apples 2010

Take a look at the slideshow for all the fun ...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where is the time going // Taking a break to soak it in

How is it that Campbell is already 11 months old!    Wanted to share a few recent snapshots -- from Halloween, Campbell's official 11-month shot, and a few others.

Some funny things of late:

*Carter still insists on 'fixing' the GPS whenever we turn the car off and it says "Battery Power Low" -- without fail -- just to ensure he can randomly find the music pre-loaded on the GPS device
*Campbell getting her sea legs -- and still finding everything that her big brother does hysterical
*Carter's "high-pitched" excited voice reaching new levels of sound about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even random things like seeing that they were sampling brie at Wegman's
*Campbell, when she's getting tired, has this tendency to literally throw her head into my chest --- I guess it's relaxing for her
*Carter wanting to sit in what I'll naively call one of the "perm chairs" at the hair salon -- "Just to fix my hair up, Dad."
*Carter consistently using the word "ginormous" -- funny every time
*The first step of our stairs being taken over by dragons -- meaning we have to step over it each and every time we go up/down the stairs

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Great Fall Road Trip

We embarked on a great family road trip about two weeks ago -- we've got two kids who are great in the car -- and so we were off on an adventure.

From Home to visit Uncle Brad in Columbus Ohio to Detroit to Toronto to Niagara Falls and back Home -- we covered more than 1500 miles, but had a fantastic time!

View Larger Map

Check out our fun slide show below (click here if you can't see the slideshow), which includes a few early September shots as well (zoo, Campbell at 9 months, etc.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

If it meant I could be with my Daddy this week, I would have worked for free!!!!

Hi Daddy --

I am featuring one of your many products in this picture.  Love ya,


Summer Lovin ... had me a blast

Hello Family --

Hope you enjoy the last couple weeks of Summer.  I know I will.



Saturday, July 10, 2010

Post July 4th

Some great pics in this set, including:

  • Carter's last day of school
  • Campbell continuing to grow up day by day
  • Carter's first fish
  • Memorial Day and 4th of July at SML


Click here for slideshow --

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Catching Up

Life has been crazy of late -- new job, a few out of town weekends, etc.

All the while, our lil' Campbell has crossed the 5 and 6 month thresholds!

Here she was at 5 months (thanks April!)

And now, here she is at 6 months!  Growing up so quickly...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Campbell is 4 Months Old!

Carter's First Yankees Game

Carter made his first trip to the Bronx, to celebrate Grandpa Lange's birthday and an early Father's Day present.   Hot dog, pretzel, a "Tex message", "Jorge juiced one", 8 innings from Andy, and a spotless 9th from Mo -- and Carter loved it all!

Phillies Opening Day

Carter and I went to Phillies opening day in Mid-April -- had a blast, and got to see the Clydesdales!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

C&C Laugh Factory

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April Videos

Carter Achieves Space Flight

Carter and his new "Stinger"

Carter on Easter Sunday Morning

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter 2010

We've had a great run-up into Easter and a great and beautiful Easter Sunday as well.    A few photos to catch up with what's new...

Thanks to our friends Randy and Kathleen for hooking Campbell up with, what else, a jumper from Campbell's Soup!

Carter continues to develop more of a (quite strong and opinionated) personality on a daily basis -- catching him smiling for a picture is getting a bit harder.   Here's a snapshot of him rocking his "Aunt Rinney" stud outfit.

This is admittedly not the greatest picture of all time -- but it's a rare Daddy & Campbell moment on film.

We did manage to capture a shot of C&C with the Easter Bunny -- many thanks to a patient Easter Bunny and the beauty of digital cameras.

As usual, Stacey's baking won the day -- another successful Easter Bunny, with grass background as well this year.

And finally, a little snapshot into the Lange Family in April 2010 -- Campbell was NOT loving the sun, so special thanks to Uncle Nick for playing paparazzi.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Lil' Campbell is 3 Months Old!

Can't believe how quick these three months have gone -- from 20 inches of snow to 70+ degrees this weekend. And our lil' lady is keeping up with the changes as well. She has more and more of a personality every day and when she smiles back -- it just about melts your heart!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Little Man Turns 3 - Party #2

After a great 'kids' party on Saturday, we hosted Carter's official birthday on Sunday.   He got some awesome gifts and loved being surrounded by family.

"DVD's!!!!  Meatballs and Lighting McQueen!"


The World's Largest Birthday Cupcake...

All for a boy who we love as much as anyone could possibly be loved, and who was in need of some R&R after a great birthday weekend!   Happy birthday Carter!