Monday, January 25, 2010

Carter Loves Cheese

Take from this what you will, but our son really loves cheese, even Wal-Mart cheese. Not a day passes when he doesn't ask, "Do we have Grandpa (Zagol) cheese?" referring to a huge slab of American from Costco. Tonite, our friend's Jenn and Greg dropped off dinner for us (thanks!) and Carter insisted on throwing some slices of cheese on top of the garlic bread...

One Month Old (a bit delayed)

Is this what happens with #2 (and beyond?)    Our lil' Campbell turned one month old last week and it's hard to believe how quickly that month went!   She had a great check-in, and put on slightly more than 3lbs in her first month, and is squarely at the 50/50 percentile split.

Here's a few pics, plus a quick, on-the-fly snapshot from her first official sink bath tonite.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Jan 4th -- First Day in the Real World

All things considered, seems to have gone pretty well...

-Brian didn't fall asleep at work and still had a job to go to;
-Stacey, amazingly, survived and seemed in great spirits all day;
-Campbell weighed in at the peds' office and gained 1lb, 2oz. in the past two weeks -- which is great;
-Carter, another great day as a big bro, and is excited about heading back to school on Tuesday.

Luckily, Campbell still remembers who her Daddy is...

... and, Carter continues to get better at Wii Fit every day!

If you can't see the video -- click here

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Can It Really Be January 3rd?

Tomorrow is a big dose of reality -- back to work for Dad, weight-check for Campbell, and a firm hello to 2010!   It's been a great extended Campbell/Christmas/New Year's break at home and I can't wait for all of the extra fun that is in store.

Here's a pic of Campbell getting in some work-out time and Carter getting to play with his friend Gracie.

Hoping everyone has a great first week back in reality!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Holiday Week Videos

Posting two videos today as we get ready to close up the holiday week.

-Click here for 2009 Christmas Highlights, including Carter's Christmas concert, meeting Santa Claus, Christmas morning at home, Carter rocking out on his new guitar, and Christmas with the grandparents.

-Click here for some video snapshots of our first week+ at home with Campbell.


Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy 2010!

After a crazy 2009, who knows what 2010 will bring, but we wish everyone who reads the blog nothing but the happiest and blessed year for you and your families!

-The Langes