Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Little Man Turns 3 - Party #2

After a great 'kids' party on Saturday, we hosted Carter's official birthday on Sunday.   He got some awesome gifts and loved being surrounded by family.

"DVD's!!!!  Meatballs and Lighting McQueen!"


The World's Largest Birthday Cupcake...

All for a boy who we love as much as anyone could possibly be loved, and who was in need of some R&R after a great birthday weekend!   Happy birthday Carter!

The Little Man Turns 3 - Party #1

Almost 3 years ago to the moment (1152pm EST), our little man joined the world -- hard to believe! To appropriately celebrate the festivities, our resident party planner concocted the theme of "Chef Carter's", a restaurant owned and operated by a just-turned 3-year old, encouraging all attendees to "Mess with the best!"

Every attendee at the party had their own personalized apron waiting for them upon arrival....

But, Chef Carter's main event planner had just gotten started...

What does every good chef need?    A chef hat, of course...

So, upon arrival at the party, each guest (23 kids in all), stopped off to design and personalize their own individual chef hats...

Once the hats were complete, it was time to move to the first food station -- CUPCAKES.

Then, once the cupcakes had been whisked away into the ovens, it was time for station number two -- MAKE YOUR OWN PIZZA...

Pizza-making complete, we were able to get a picture of almost everyone in attendance...

Then, by a special type of birthday-party magic, the cupcakes were ready to be decorated with a customized (and personalized in some cases!) mix of icing and candies...

The crew then moved over for a sit-down lunch, featuring Carter's favorites -- PB&J, goldfish, drink boxes, cheese and pretzels!

What a party!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's New with Carter? (Videos)

Simply put, the boy loves to dance / rock it out and he LOVES snow and all things winter-related, as these videos can attest.

Carter Rocking It Out

Carter Enjoying Sledding @ Valley Forge Park

Campbell @ Two Months

Campbell had a great two month check-up on Friday, took her shots like a champ, and had a pretty great experience overall.   She has also been pretty busy in the growing and putting on weight departments -- measuring in at 23.5 inches and 12lbs, 2oz.    As Carter would say "Good Job Campbell!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Carter Sledding @ Valley Forge Park (Pictures)

Today was the President's Day Holiday, and a PERFECT time for Carter to do his first official 'sledding' down the slopes of Valley Forge Park.

Click here if you can't see the slideshow above.

Catch Up Post

We are alive and well -- we've survived two historical blizzards, a few snow days, a few work from home days, and my own absolute LOVE of winter and cold weather (3 days until P's & C's).  Our little Campbell continues to grow by the day -- hard to believe she's approaching two months old in less than a week!

She's quite the little lady and seems to have taken a love for all things pink...

Carter still absolutely ADORES his little sister and is quite protective of her, wants to hold her all the time, and doesn't like anything to happen with Campbell that he's not involved with...

Speaking of Carter, he's up to his usual tricks, be it getting dressed up to help a plumber coming by the house...

... Or having fun in our 30+ inches of snow.