Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where is the time going // Taking a break to soak it in

How is it that Campbell is already 11 months old!    Wanted to share a few recent snapshots -- from Halloween, Campbell's official 11-month shot, and a few others.

Some funny things of late:

*Carter still insists on 'fixing' the GPS whenever we turn the car off and it says "Battery Power Low" -- without fail -- just to ensure he can randomly find the music pre-loaded on the GPS device
*Campbell getting her sea legs -- and still finding everything that her big brother does hysterical
*Carter's "high-pitched" excited voice reaching new levels of sound about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even random things like seeing that they were sampling brie at Wegman's
*Campbell, when she's getting tired, has this tendency to literally throw her head into my chest --- I guess it's relaxing for her
*Carter wanting to sit in what I'll naively call one of the "perm chairs" at the hair salon -- "Just to fix my hair up, Dad."
*Carter consistently using the word "ginormous" -- funny every time
*The first step of our stairs being taken over by dragons -- meaning we have to step over it each and every time we go up/down the stairs

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sunday, November 21, 2010