Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Carter Turns 5

We had a great day (it was a super way...) celebrating Carter's 5th birthday.   The Chapel Hill plague of 2012 seems to be running it's course and we got out to Weaver Street Market for Carter's lunch-choice and out to Red Robin for dinner.

Perhaps Carter's biggest gift was a new custom-built sand-box for the backyard.   We're one-step away from being ready to fill with sand, so we played in the driveway instead.   He's certainly got all the tools ready to attack that sandbox as soon as it is ready!

In addition, we also used Carter's birthday as an occasion to 'freshen up' the swings/climbers in the backyard... Carter and Cam are modeling our new additions here...

Happy birthday little man!   And Colby wishes a Happy Birthday to his big bro too!


Monday, February 27, 2012

A February 2012 Catch-Up Post

Well, Colby's almost four months old!   He's got the cutest laugh/chuckle of all time...

Then, about a week or so ago, we had what is considered a 'snow storm' in North Carolina....  it took Campbell some time to rediscover her love of the snow...

Next up, Carter's 5th birthday party -- a Magic Theme!

Then, with a lot of our family in town for the birthday, we celebrated Colby's baptism at University Presbyterian Church in Chapel Hill on Sunday AM -- what a whirlwind of a weekend!!