Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 2 w/ Campbell

We've had a pretty good day 2 with our new little girl -- Campbell.   She spent a few hours in the nursery last night while Mom and Dad caught up on some sleep, and went through all of the tests that she needed (weight, hearing, etc.)   She came back around 6 this morning and it's been a great day since then -- a visit from Grandma Z, some great meals and snacks with Mommy, moving room (I guess it's busy at the hospital pre-Christmas/pre-New Year's, so the team was moved from a labor/recovery room to what I can best describe as a hospital/hotel room.)

Barring any unexpected events, we'll be leaving tomorrow morning and Campbell will get to meet her big bro for the first time (b/c of concerns about H1N1, the hospital has limited visitors to 17+.)

Here's a pic of our little girl, just hanging out, about 30 hours old.

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