Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 3 w/ Campbell

Another busy day -- we were discharged from the hospital at about 11am and were excited to bring Campbell home to meet her big brother Carter and see GM/GP Zagol again.    We had a great surprise when we pulled into the neighborhood...

Then, Campbell got to spend some quality time with her big brother, including our first official family shot....

For the rest of the afternoon, things were pretty smooth, all things considered.   Carter was very interested and engaged w/ Campbell; the entire family (minus Dad) took a nice mid-afternoon nap; and when Carter and Dad ran some late afternoon errands, Carter insisted on "No Target, let's go home to see Baby Campbell."   When we got home, Carter got in some good time on the floor with Campbell, sporting one of his big brother tees.

Finally, it was time to head off to bed for the little ones, but Carter wanted to get his first chance to hold "Baby Campbell." It was hard to pick one image here that was the best, so I am just posting all of them!

Can't wait to see what adventures Day 4 brings!


Anonymous said...

(1) What a gorgeous family shot. You all look so genuinely happy! (2) "No" to Target! Good to see that Big Brothersaurus has his priorities straight (3) I am so very happy for all of you. This will undoubtedly be one of the merriest Christmases of all for the Lange family!

Unknown said...

I just came across your pre-wedding newsletters the other day. It's hard to believe how many changes have taken place in your life since then, the biggest of course being your two little ones! Your family is beautiful. Enjoy your Christmas!