Friday, March 02, 2007

Carter -- We're Waiting . . .

Amazingly, barely more than 48 hours since Stacey first went to the doctor for a "check-up" on Wednesday afternoon, she's already home! (Insurance rules and regulations are pretty crazy.) Carter is doing great -- he's off all of his IV now and is eating on his own, which is a great sign. Depending on how Stacey is feeling, we might try to head back to the hospital tonite for Carter's 9pm feeding. (Grandma Z is going to sit with him during his 6pm feeding -- thanks Grandma!)

We'll get a better sense tomorrow morning of when Carter is going to be coming home -- there's a small chance that it might be tomorrow, although probably more likely to be Sunday -- but when he does, we have a big welcome home sign for him so he can't miss us.

More updates soon...

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