Friday, March 09, 2007

First Visit to Pediatrician

Carter made his first trip to visit Dr. Dilloway today, his pediatrician at Paoli Pediatrics. All went pretty well -- he's gained a total of 0.4 ounces (which doesn't seem like much, but in baby terms is progress in the right direction), so he is tipping the scales at 5lbs, 15oz.

He'll go back for another weigh-in next week, with his official 1-month visit scheduled for early April. Dr. D was very patient with all of our new parent questions -- which is good, because we had plenty of them!

Carter had a visit tonite from Aunt Kelley and Steve -- thanks for coming guys!

(Note: Carter went to bed early tonite -- he's a little bit frustrated with UVa's disappointing loss to NC State. He extends his congrats to Scott Manuel and wants to know where he can get his hands on a red blazer like Coach Lowe wears.)

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