Thursday, March 01, 2007

Introducing Carter Wittmus Lange

Yes, the due-date was scheduled for March 31st, but our bundle of joy obviously had other plans in mind. We'll fill in all the details later on, but wanted to share our exciting news that Carter Wittmus Lange was born on February 28th, at 11:52pm. He weighed in at 6.0lbs and measured 18 inches in length. He has a full head of dark hair, and a pretty strong left-handed grip (maybe a future starting pitcher?).

Both Stacey and Carter are doing great! Right now, Stacey is scheduled to be released from the hospital on Friday. Because he was 4.5 weeks premature, Carter has been admitted to the NICU for observation -- we'll have a better idea tomorrow of when he'll be able to come home. Even though we're disappointed he won't be coming home right away, everyone tells us that he is doing great. The nursing staff in the NICU has been great -- they gave him his first bath tonite and he's quite the handsome little devil. We can't wait for him to come home!

In the meantime, thanks to everyone for their good-wishes. If you think this caught you by surprise, imagine us!

Here's a few quick pictures for everyone to enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Stace & Brian,

Now that I can see Carter close up by zooming the picture, it is obvious he got his cuteness and good looks from his maternal grandfather.

Good Job!!!!!

Let the games, begin.